Part of the Foundation will concentrate on young people who suffer with related complications in life through real challenges. Examples of this relate to growing up in difficult conditions or maybe influenced by negative surroundings that reduce the chances of creating future success for the individual and a future impact on their mental health. Mentoring in colleges and universities or working with local school start up projects dealing with Knife Crime.

There are many fantastic groups already tackling inner city issues. However, the byproduct of the above has a direct impact on the mental health and well-being of the young person very early in life.
The initial campaign is working with businesses in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, or Derbyshire, however we will go national with the project in 2018 with businesses who want to support an initiative that will work alongside an existing award-winning Foundation project recognised nationally by the BBC.
The businesses/stakeholders would consider allowing work experience during the year for young students with a view to being a gateway to apprenticeships, meaning the company currently run or will consider running apprenticeships in the future. This is not a requisite, however. Simply giving a student the chance to gain work experience will help shape the individual's chances of gaining work in the future, which is something of a roadblock today.
Mental health issues are on the increase and also on the world wide agenda with so many organisations and even the government recognising the impact. Most of all we need to set an agenda and create projects that tackle wellbeing at an early age and reduce risk of suicide. We all know that men aged between 18 and 45 show the greatest risk. This project covers everyone in the family not just the men.
We are also linking up with the young professionals who help and aid the young people in GB&I. The project is the brain child of a very talented young individual Dan Miller who is making a difference for young people via, trying to connect Five Million young adults by 2020. Dan and his team are creating an avenue and portal of help to the job market for all students.