Our Work Includes

  • Offering support to volunteers and their families in the UK, of any age, who are in need of help of advice in crisis via helpline, webchat , website and nominated partners.
  • Challenging a culture in society that prevents men and women seeking help when they need it, through our "Linkszone" which includes, Blogs, Podcasts, You tube educational videos and campaigns such as #Manuary  #MENvMENtalHealth  #HeadsTogether #Links4People #VolunteerWeek #BlackDog #ItsOkayToTalk #TimeToChange
  • Actively promoting Mental Strength practices through activities.
  • Being the voice for changes in policy and practice so that mental health issues and suicide is better prevented, via partnerships such as The Alliance of Suicide Prevention Charities (TASC), the National Suicide Prevention Alliance(NSPA), Calm, Mind and Young People Mental Health Foundation, The Heads Together Campaign.
  • Supporting those bereaved by suicide, through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP), which aims to ensure that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered and receives timely and appropriate support, giving and understanding of financial help, a listening ear and resource available.
  • Supporting The Round Table Family of Clubs, the volunteer sector & their members and the issues surrounding Mental Health related illnesses, putting mental health on the agenda for the members and having a representative voice in government forums.
  • Raising charitable funds to support all such work and education.
  • Developing educational forums for business leaders to gain a better understanding of mental health in the workplace.
  • Creating wellbeing projects linked to sport, using the disciplines of sport to increase an individuals resilience.
  • Developing products that engage and educate our audience through creative podcasts with guest speakers, the big conversation forum and partnerships.
  • Building partnerships with organisations with an aim to engage, encourage and educate in the forum of mental health and wellbeing.
